martes, enero 15, 2013

sábado, enero 12, 2013

The Third Unit: Tanya

digas lo que digas al final siempre se sale con la suya... os presento a Tanya!


whatever you say at the end always gets his way ... I introduce you to Tanya!

viernes, enero 11, 2013

The Third Unit: Cliff

Os presento a uno de los miembros de "The Third Unit": Cliff.
Un pasota escualido que no te conviene tenerlo como enemigo.....


 I introduce you to one of the members of "The Third Unit": Cliff.
A skinny
apathetic guy that you shouldn't have as an enemy .....

martes, enero 08, 2013

The Third Unit

Después de un tiempo alejado de este proyecto, aprovechando el nuevo año he decidido retomar "the Third Unit" a ver si consigo sacarlo a la luz. Tras un lavado de cara a los personajes y diversos aspectos de la historia, al fin tengo el placer de presentar la portada de mi obra.

The Third Unit, mi oda personal al género japonés Tokusatsu, mezclando tintes de Kyodai hero y Hensin hero. Humor, mucha acción, criaturas gigantes poco amigables y unos tipos con una vestimenta algo peculiar....


After some time away from this project, taking the opportunity of starting the new year I've decided to resume "the Third Unit" to see if I can bring it to light. After a facelift to the characters and other aspects of the story, at last I have the pleasure to show you the cover of my comic book.

The third unit, my personal ode to Japanese Tokusatsu genre, mixing the Kyodaihero and Hensin hero. Humuor, lots of action, unfriendly giant creatures and some guys with a peculiar dress ....